Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Megs Life At The Moment

I have been thinking about what to post on here for a few days. There are many things to post about. Some are events other just thoughts, so tuck in for the long haul of Megs life at the moment.

I will start with talking about Subway boy. Who is off to Brazil never to be heard from again. I am so ok with this. He was just strange. I was telling my mother about him and she said "he sounds like Kramer." She is totally right. He is so random. I think I was flattered by the fact that this really attractive guy wanted to go on a date with me. He is by far the most attractive person I have ever meet, but the interesting thing is that, though, he was very physically attractive I didn't find him all that attractive after we had our date or whatever it was. He is too strange and to anti establishment and too bitter but pretending not to be for me. So I guess I'm glad he is off to Brazil. Maybe when he comes back we will be friends, but I'm guessing that is the last I'll hear from Subway boy. He may meet up with my friend when he is in Brazil so it might not be hear of him.

The other dating life event that is going on is that I have a date with Halloween guy on Thursday. I am actually impressed that we are meeting. I thought that we would perhaps have that well he was a nice guy but... moment. This will be a first for me. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not sure if my heart is really in it. My best friend tells me to look at it as if it is a job interview and the guy is there to apply for the job of hanging out with me. I like this idea.

That is what is going on in my dating life. This then brings me to my second topic of the blog for today. I started this blog as a dating life blog and for the most part that is what it has been. However, it seems that through focusing on dating I kind of stopped focusing on dating. It just is such a boring thing to focus on. I started doing things for me. I got off line and I just stopped caring about all that stuff that goes with finding someone. There are people out there that say that you should make finding someone a full time job. Why do people say that? I mean shouldn't your full time job be making yourself the most awesome person? Focusing all your energy on finding a person is not ok. There is so much you miss out on when you do this. Anyways that is where my head is at the moment.

The last thing that is going on in my life at the moment is the career thing. I'm still trying to figure this out. I am thinking of taking a cooking class and see if I like that. I'm not sure what to do. My dream of dreams is to go to cooking school and start a culinary career. I'm just so utterly afraid of failure at this one thing I want to do that I keep almost doing it and stopping. We'll see what happens. I don't really want to live my life with regrets anymore so I guess to be true to myself I need to do this.

Anyways that is what my life is like at them moment. Stay tuned to hear about Halloween boy.


  1. You've got an award!

    and I am staying tuned...seriously, what happened with halloween boy!?

  2. Thanks! Halloween boy seems to also have turned into a dud but well who really knows.
