Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Facebook Makes Me Feel Lame

I was clicking through all these post today on Facebook and everyone has amazing summer vacation and travel things up. I have none. Yes, my camera went kaput and I can't buy a new one yet. Still Facebook makes me feel like I lack a life. There have been studies on this. Everyone updates and connects and all that, but it is all show. Well, most of it. Yes, there are the rare status messages of Ugh and wow bad day, but mostly Facebook is a land of shiny happy people. I know this, but still as I contemplate the summer coming to a close, with nary a summer photo of me having a fabulous life in the Hamptons or on some beach some where drinking my sorrows away, I think wow I had a lame summer this year.

It is what it is some summers will be better then others. It is just with everyone posting about all there amazing time well it just makes me feel lame.

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