Saturday, August 7, 2010


As most people who read this blog know I run. I run for lots of reasons and I run marathons. It is something that I do that I have control over and that I feel accomplished about doing. However, my life is in a bit of chaos right now as I only have a part time job and I have to pretty much take any babysitting gig offered to me. This means my sleep is kind of all over the place which is making it hard for me to do early morning long runs on the weekend. This is driving me crazy. I need to start doing these long runs or I'm basically screwed.

Running is something that is suppose to take the stress out of my life. It does. It is also helping me focus on what is going on and what I need to fix. Sleeping for example needs to be fixed. If I want to run a marathon in October I must start sleeping like a "normal" person. Also with lack of sleep comes poor eating habits again something that needs to be fixed. I never thought I would be asking for my old job back but life was so much easier then. I may have been taking advantage of but at least I could run. It's funny because now I have all this time to do other stuff and be social and I am wishing really that I could just work 60 hours and run.

Any marathoners out there have tips on how to squeeze in a long run if you don't go to bed till 3am?

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