Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oh Man

I was just re reading some post from March Austrian Boy month and I can say nothing has really changed there. We don't text and Facebook as much. I think we both kind of realize that it isn't really worth it. I don't know. I posted how I messaged him last Friday after my humiliation. I think I need to expand on this. He was idle on Facebook before my friend Adam could disuade me from sending him anything I messaged him
"Hey I know you are busy on vacation but part of me wishes you were online. I had a really bad night and for some reason you always make me smile."

I think this pretty much cements the fact that I like him, no? I'm not a guy but if a guy sent that to me I think I would be like yes or Oh God. He responded to me with a text. We texted a bit over the weekend. But... I don't know I just don't know.

I don't know if it is the distant that makes this something that I am interested in. I don't think so. I have liked this guy since I was 23 years old. I have developed a friendship with him. I would be more then willing to let something develop. I would risk it. I never want to risk it.

The drawbacks: He is still getting over his ex. I'm not about to move down there for him. He would not move here for me. (getting ahead of myself) How would I eve get something started.

Why am I even thinking this? I dated some guys since going out with him, but still the person I am happy to hear from at the end of the day is him. He makes me laugh and has beautiful eyes. He cares for his friends. He is a nice guy.

I don't want to be like it is because of last Friday... It isn't. I have been thinking of him for the past few weeks. Anyways it's just on my mind.

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