Saturday, May 23, 2009

Why Does Stuff Keep Happening To Me?

I am currently slightly inebriated and watching Love Actually and thinking how much my life sucks. Not that I have a sucky life, but just lots of sucky things constantly happen to me. Why is it on the day that I am feeling happy about myself that I lose my $200 iphone? Why is it that the day I have decided not to contact the boy that I lose everything. It is like everything that can go wrong often does. I just don't get it. I am an awesome amazing person, yet nothing ever seems to go my way. Oh well, right? Perhaps someone will have a stroke of kindness and I will get my phone back. Until then I will sit an read Harry Potter and wallow in self pity for a day or two.

Eventually something will go my way, right?


  1. Ahhhh, I always find that the day after I have my life-coaching/therapy call (and my perspective has been transformed) I am totally dysfunctional. Going through big changes sometimes disrupts us in ways that we're not used to understanding or acknowledging. I see this as a sign that you are growing a lot and about to explode into brilliance.

  2. Thank you Singlutionary... I'll take my cold and my losing phone and everything else that is going on as part of the change. I think you are totally right. Hope the brilliance is worth all this stress. It totally will be. I know it.

  3. What is fantastic, Meg, is that you recognize that you are an awesome, amazing person! Your life cannot suck for long if you know that about yourself. And you're right, you are both those things!

  4. Thanks Susan. I love that I was turned on to the blogging world. It has made me realize how much I am not alone. Writing all this down has also started to let me focus. My life is really coming together and this time I am allowing good things to happen to me.
