Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where is the Pause Button?

I have been super busy for the past few weeks and 100% unable to process anything. I have figured out what I want to do and have tried to keep focused on that but half the time I wonder if it really is what I want to do. I feel like a ball of nerves and all I want to do is cry... When does this get better? Is there a pause button on life? I need a break.


  1. God, I know that feeling so so SO so SO well. And I know no one likes getting advice on their blog...but in yoga the other day my teacher said this...If you stop and enjoy or at least notice everything you're doing. You'll be in the present. That way, life doesn't seem to move quite so fast.

  2. Whenever I am thinking "do I really want to do this?" I feel exhausted. So I guess the trick is to truly deeply know (and not question) what you are doing. I wish that I knew how to do THAT!

    Oh yeah! There is an award for you on Singlutionary!

  3. Deidre yeah for Yoga. I just started and it is making me feel great. I am trying to do the whole be present thing.

    Singlutionary I agree I wish I knew how to do that to! I just have so many questions.
