Friday, April 24, 2009

End of the Week Rewind

I'm not sure why this week was so hard. In reality it was a great and easy, though long, week. I have finally meet a group of nannies that I fit in with. This makes life bearable. I started making myself a priority again, and though I still have a hard time getting a certain someone off my mind I'm moving on. I just would like to thank the people who read this and who comment or not comment for bearing with me this week. I just was in one of my moods. For some reason writing an online journal that people can read helps. Go figure. I was never much of a writer, but well this is working for me.

As you can see I changed the name of my blog. The web address is the same because I don't know how to fix that, but going with the whole I'm happy being single thing, I realized I don't really want a date. I mean dates are great, but I'll just treat myself. I have lots of fun stuff coming up, so May should be a happy posting month. Hope you all have a great weekend.


  1. Megs, I love the new title! I've had a grumpy week too! I believe that the grumpyness comes when there is a big change about to take place so I try and find it hopefully but I really just want to have a tempertantrumn.

  2. Singlutionary,
    I know what you mean. I just feel like throwing a giant hissy fit and have someone else fix everything for me. I also know that some sort of change is coming. I just don't know when or what it is going to be, but something is about to be shaken up. I can feel it.
